Sample Employee Handbook
Welcome to ABC Company. This is your employee handbook and it sets out the policies and procedures that we operate with staff. Along with your contract of employment it forms the terms and conditions of employment with the ABC Company. It has been designed to give you some necessary information and you should read it carefully and be familiar with the policies and procedures contained in it.
Policies are necessary for a business. They help us to function in an efficient and orderly manner. We all benefit when we work together towards a common goal but if we are to work together, there must be rules for the protection and benefit of all. We know that most people want to work co-operatively, courteously, efficiently and honestly and we feel this handbook will help you to do so.
If at any time you have questions concerning the handbook or are puzzled about correct procedures, please do not hesitate to ask your manager.
ABC Ltd reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to withdraw or modify any policies and or procedures and or any staff benefits.
Any amendments to this handbook will be communicated to you through briefing meetings, notice boards, or where appropriate, a personal letter. Our prime objective at ABC Ltd is:
To satisfy the customer
Because the customer is the most important single factor in our business
All new employees are subject to a probationary period of 6 months. Details of the operation of the probation are contained in your contract of employment.
Each employee must agree to the contractual terms of employment associated with confidentiality which are contained in your contract of employment.
Employees are required to be at their place of work at the scheduled start time. Employees are asked to also abide by break times. Disciplinary action will be taken in the event of on going breaches of timekeeping regulations.
Working Hours
The normal hours of work applicable to different categories of staff are as outlined in each employee’s contract of employment.
Please ensure that your Manager is aware of when you leave your work area for any reason including when taking breaks.
Unpaid lunch breaks are rostered for a period of 30 minutes and may have to be taken flexibly depending on activities at the Company. These breaks will be allocated by your Manager in consultation with staff.
Particular requests for a specific lunch break on any given day should be advised to your Manager as early as possible and in any event not later than 10am on the particular day.
Coffee and tea breaks shall be allocated by your Manager in accordance with the lunch breaks on that day. These are paid breaks for a maximum of 15 minutes on each occasion. Any break must be taken at the Company unless otherwise agreed with your manager.
Food and beverages should only be consumed at break times and in as far as possible in designated areas for food consumption
It is a condition of employment that all employees shall be available to work reasonable overtime when requested by management. Arrangements regarding working overtime shall be agreed with your Manager, including the option of time in lieu or additional hours as may be accommodated subject to the ongoing normal operation of the activities of ABC Ltd.
Annual Leave is as outlined in your contract of employment.
Request for holidays should be submitted on the Holiday Request Form at least 6 weeks in advance and will be allocated in as far as possible to meet staff wishes.
Outside of the above requests for annual leave, consideration for non-allocated weeks should be made through your manager at the earliest opportunity. Where such requests arise, a decision will be communicated to the employee involved within 10 working days of them making the request.
The above arrangements shall be operated by management having regard to exceptional circumstances that may arise from time to time.
Pay in lieu of annual leave is prohibited under the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997. It is therefore a requirement that you normally take all your leave entitlement in each calendar year.
(a) Public Holidays will be granted in accordance with the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997. Employees may from time to time be required to either work on a public holiday or to take the day off.
(b) Where employees are required to work on a Public Holiday the terms of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 shall apply in determining payment for any such time worked.
The Public Holidays operating at present are as follows: 1st January, 17th March, Easter Monday, 1st Monday in May, June and August, last Monday in October, Christmas Day and St. Stephen’s Day.
Specific day off requests in advance of a Public Holiday that falls on a Monday or for the day following a Public Holiday Monday and or the day before or the day after any other Public Holiday must be requested in the calendar month prior to that particular Public Holiday.
Management will allocate on a pro rata basis day off for the above period.
Employees shall be granted compassionate leave with basic pay for the time necessarily absent from work on the follow basis:
1. For the death of a spouse or child – up to five days.
2. For the death of a parent or sister/brother – up to three days.
Parental Leave shall be granted in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998.
Force Majeure Leave
Force Majeure Leave shall be granted in accordance with legislation
Maternity Leave
Maternity Leave shall be granted in accordance with legislation
Adoptive Leave
Adoptive Leave shall be granted in accordance with legislation
Jury Leave
Jury Leave shall be granted in accordance with legislation
Carer’s Leave
Carer’s Leave shall be granted in accordance with legislation
Day 1
Personally telephone your Manager by 9.15am and provide the following information:
∙your reason for absence
∙your likely date of return
∙what steps you are taking to aid your recovery and return to work.
Please note that texting is not acceptable – you must make a telephone call as above to your place of work and not to anybody’s personal mobile phone.
Week 1
If your absence is more than 2 days, you must submit a Medical Certificate on the third day of absence to your Manager who may decide, at their discretion, to ask you to phone daily to provide an update on your condition and likely date of return. Thereafter medical certificates must be submitted weekly
Week 2
Your Manager may agree a weekly day/time of contact by telephone to keep up to date with how you are and your progress. In addition, you are required to submit a medical certificate.
Week 3
Your Manager may agree a day, time and venue to meet with you during Week 4. This may happen every 4 weeks during your absence dependant on the reasons for absence. The meeting can be at work, your home or another mutually agreeable location, whatever you are most comfortable with. In addition, you are required to submit a medical certificate.
Week 4
Your Manager may meet with you to discuss how you are, how you have progressed since the previous conversation. In addition, you are required to submit a medical certificate.
Please note that in accordance with your employment contract you may be referred to a Medical Doctor nominated by ABC Ltd during any time while absent from work. Further to this and also in accordance with your employment contract there is no provision for paid sick leave.
Absence Relating To Bad Weather and Industrial Action on Public Transport
If you are unable to get to work because of bad weather conditions, or other disruption, you will be required to take the time as either unpaid leave or holiday entitlement.
Arrangements in the event of an employee having to attend for a medical examination are as outlined in your contract of employment.
Drug Free Workplace
Employees will not be permitted to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Employee’s who come to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Employees who are taking prescribed medication must report this to their manager where they believe such medication may have an adverse effect on their ability to perform their duties in a safe manner.
Everything possible will be done by ABC Ltd to provide a safe place of work for all employees and all visitors to our premises. All employees must become familiar with the Company safety statement and comply with all requirements relating to health and safety, which will be outlined from time to time. All accidents must be reported to your manager, no matter how minor. Employees are obliged to work with management to resolve any safety matter that arises due to accidents or near misses. Breach of safety rules will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal where appropriate.
Employee Property
ABC Ltd is not responsible for the loss or damage to any property of any employee while on the Company premises. Any property lost or stolen should be reported to your Manager. The Company will provide a secure locker area and all personal property such as bags; etc should be left in this area for the duration of the working day. ABC Ltd cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred by an employee who brings personal belongings into the work place.
Pension Scheme
Arrangements regarding pensions/PRSA’s are in accordance with the terms of your contract.
Grievance Procedure
ABC Ltd places great importance on creating and maintaining good relations between management and all employees. It is in the interest of everyone that where problems arise they are resolved quickly and effectively.
In the event of dissatisfaction with any aspect of the working environment then the employee is required to work normally while also processing their grievance through the following steps.
The following procedure is designed to ensure that problems are brought to the attention of management at the earliest possible stage and to ensure that they are dealt with without undue delay.
Step 1
An employee with a problem or complaint should raise the issue first with their immediate supervisor/manager, who will make every effort to solve the problem as quickly as possible. The employee will be informed of the resolution or progress on the issue within three working days.
Step 2
If the matter is not resolved at Step 1 then the employee is entitled to raise his/her complaint with the Manager of ABC Company. The Manager will make every effort to resolve the matter speedily and will inform the employee of progress on the matter within three working days. The employee may be accompanied by another employee at this meeting if he/she so chooses. Written records will be taken of this meeting. If the matter is still not resolved, then the process moves to Step 3.
Step 3
If the matter is not resolved at Step 2 then the employee is entitled to refer it to the next level which is the Chairman of the Company or other Director nominated by him. The Chairman or his nominee will make every effort to resolve the matter speedily and will inform the employee of progress on the matter within 10 working days. The employee may be accompanied by another employee at this meeting if he/she so chooses.
More than one meeting may be required at any of the stages of the grievance procedure.
Written records will be kept of each of the meetings, apart from the first informal meeting.
An employee has the right to appeal a decision of management. This appeal must be made in writing within 5 working days of the decision being communicated to the employee. In the event that the grievance is not resolved within the Company then an agreed independent 3rd party may be appointed to resolve the matter, subject to the agreement of the employee and the Board. Alternatively, a grievance that has exhausted the internal procedure may be taken to the Workplace Relations Commission.
Disciplinary Procedure
•Discipline can be defined as any action taken by management against the employee or group of employees who have failed to conform to the rules established by management or jointly agreed within the organisation.
This procedure applies to all employees.
Standards of conduct and performance etc. are required in any organisation to ensure order, effective operation of the business and a safe and healthy working environment. This policy has been written to ensure that if standards are believed to be lacking – or a breach of conduct is believed to have occurred – there should be a fair and systematic approach to investigating these matters and to taking appropriate corrective action.
Standards of conduct are – though not exclusively – those defined by Company rules and procedures, by legal requirements and by what is generally recognised as acceptable workplace performance and behaviour.
Informal Discussion:
If an employee’s standard of conduct or performance etc. is considered lacking, or a breach of conduct is believed to have occurred, his or her immediate supervisor shall draw the matter to the employee’s attention in a private and informal way.
The employee shall be allowed to state his or her views and if after consideration, the supervisor believes there is not a case to answer then no further action will be taken. If, however, the supervisor believes there is still a problem, the aim of the informal discussion will be to help the employee achieve the standard required, which will be made clear to him or her. At this stage the supervisor should make a note of the fact that the issue was raised and on which date – together with brief details – and keep this in a safe and confidential place.
In most cases this informal discussion should resolve any difficulties identified. If the employee fails to improve, or sustain improvement, the formal procedure will need to be commenced.
Misconduct refers to:
•Breaches of standards of behaviour – The failure to adhere to acceptable and appropriate levels of conduct.
•Breaches of Company rules and regulations or the failure to adhere to them.
•Failure to carry out instructions of Supervisors, Management or Directors.
Gross Misconduct:
Gross Misconduct may result in summary dismissal and refers to:
•Breach of Rules and Regulations – A deliberate and serious failure to adhere to rules and regulations.
•Gross Breach of Standards of Behaviour – Where an employee deliberately carries out an action or conducts him/herself in a manner that is entirely unacceptable.
• Stealing, damaging or destroying the property belonging to ABC Company, fellow employees, customers, suppliers or visitors.
Examples of Gross Misconduct
•The inclusion of misleading information on a job application form
•Serious insubordination
•Generally unacceptable behaviour towards customers or visitors
•A serious breach of safety rules potentially involving loss of life or limb
•Being under the influence of drink or non-medicinal drugs during working hours
•Wilful damage to Company or another employee’s property
•Threatening behaviour generally towards a member of management, fellow employee(s), members of the public and other situations in the workplace
•Disclosure of confidential information
•Flagrant failure to follow Company procedures
•Indecent conduct
•Acts of incitement and/or acts of discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic background, colour, sex, religion, age or disability, etc
• Consistent lateness
• Breach of contract of employment terms
• Failure to carry out reasonable instructions
• Failure to perform the job function to a competent level
Should informal discussions fail to resolve the problem, the following will be the formal procedure applied:
Step 1
In cases of minor infringements, the supervisor/manager of the employee concerned will warn the employee verbally of the aspects of work or conduct which are below standard, stating clearly that this is a warning, advising on the improvements which must be made and that if the required improvements are not made then the next step in the procedure is a written warning.
The employee can have another employee present at this meeting if he/she so chooses. The employee will be given a memo confirming the warning and a copy will be placed on his/her personnel file. If the conduct/performance is satisfactory for 6 months, then this warning lapses for the purpose of this procedure.
Step 2
Where the employee’s performance does not improve to the required standard within a reasonable time, then the immediate supervisor/manager issues the employee with a written warning. This warning will inform the employee of the aspects of conduct or performance which are below standard, stating clearly that this is a written warning, advising on the improvements which must be made and that if the required improvements are not made then the next step in the procedure is a final written warning. The employee can have another employee present at this meeting if he/she so chooses. The employee will be given a copy of the warning and a copy will be placed on his/her personnel file. If the conduct/performance is satisfactory for 6 months, then this warning lapses for the purpose of this procedure.
Step 3
Where the employee’s performance does not improve to the required standard within a reasonable time, then the Manager or his nominated representative will issue the employee with a final written warning. This warning will inform the employee of the aspects of conduct or performance which are below standard, stating clearly that this is a final written warning, advising on the improvements which must be made and that if the required improvements are not made then the next stage in the procedure is dismissal. The employee can have another employee present at this meeting if he/she so chooses. The employee will be given a copy of the warning and a copy will be placed on his/her personnel file. If the conduct/performance is satisfactory for 12 months, then the employee shall revert back to Step 2 of the Disciplinary Procedure
Step 4
If, despite the warnings/action taken in accordance with Steps 1, 2 and 3 of this Procedure, the employee’s conduct/performance is still not acceptable to the Company then he/she may be dismissed. The Manager or his nominated representative will make this decision. The employee can have another employee present at this meeting if he/she so chooses.
An employee has the right to appeal a dismissal decision to the Chairman of ABC Company. This appeal must be made in writing within 5 working days of the decision being communicated to the employee. In the event that the matter is not resolved within the Company then an agreed independent 3rd party will be appointed to resolve the issue.
In the event of any disciplinary action been taken against an employee, Management undertake to outline clearly the offence for which the employee is being accused of and to operate these procedures under the laws of natural justice.
In the event of misconduct warranting summary dismissal, the following procedures apply;
• In cases of misconduct such as fighting, theft, wilful damage to Company property, reporting for work under the influence of alcohol, failure to follow procedures, breaches of trust, etc., the Company may summarily dismiss an employee without recourse to the procedure contained in Steps 1 to 4 above. In cases where the Company considers that summary dismissal is warranted, it may suspend an employee with pay in order to facilitate an investigation of the particular case. In all such cases, the Company will clearly outline why the misconduct warrants summary dismissal.
Following investigation of any matter under this clause, the Company may decide either to impose another form of discipline, such as suspension without pay and or final written warning without recourse to the procedure in 1 to 4 above.
Stage Procedure Is Initiated At
Certain rules, regulations, standards of work and behaviour must be upheld at all times by all employees. They enable the Company to function correctly and in a desired way. If standards drop below an acceptable level or if there is any breach of rules or regulations, then everything will be done to improve the situation co-operatively.
On an ongoing basis Management will make employees aware of Company standards and rules and regulations that they are expected to abide by. It is not possible to give a definitive list of requirements and indeed many will have been established through custom and practice over the lifetime of ABC Ltd operations.
Performance that falls below acceptable standards, breaches of rules and regulations and inappropriate behaviour will lead to the initiation of the disciplinary procedure. The stage at which the procedure is initiated will depend on the relative seriousness and circumstances of the situation. Each case will be reviewed on its individual circumstances and the degree of seriousness involved. Some examples of where immediate dismissal and of where immediate suspension may occur are listed below. The lists are not exhaustive and earlier stages of the procedure may arise in these or other less serious matters, depending on the individual case.
• Immediate Suspension may arise in cases of;
a) Illegal money lending or the distribution of any unauthorised literature or goods on the premises.
b) Consumption or possession of alcoholic liquor or illegal drugs on the premises. Employees who, in the opinion of either the Supervisor/Manager or the ABC Company’s Medical Adviser, are under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be sent home for the work period and will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure.
c) Obscene behaviour.
d) Defacing Company property or notices.
e) Refusal to comply with Safety and Hygiene rules of the company.
f) Absence from the business during working hours without permission.
g) Smoking in prohibited areas, which are signposted as such areas.
h) Leaving the job or Department without permission of the manager in charge of that area.
• Immediate Dismissal may arise in cases of;
1) Insubordination (including failure to carry out lawful instructions).
2) Falsifying any Company records, including Personnel Time-Keeping, Production and any other records produced as part of normal work.
3) Sabotage, whether actual, attempted or threatened of Company or employee’s property/products.
4) Theft of Company or employee’s property/products.
5) Fighting, provoking or instigating a fight while on Company premises.
6) Engaging in private work during working hours.
7) Misconduct or abusive language to a Company official or Director.
8) Assaulting an official of the ABC company, fellow worker or Director.
The Gardai may also become involved if a criminal offence may have been committed.
Diversity Policy
We want to develop a management style that allows everyone to use his or her talents fully. We have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, in an environment free from abuse, offensive behaviour, harassment, bullying or prejudice. Because your work contribution is our major concern, we recognize the benefits of helping you to balance the responsibilities of work and private life.
We provide equality of opportunity for all applicants and employees in recruitment, selection, development and promotion. The aim of our employment policies is to make sure everyone receives treatment that is fair, equitable and consistent with their skills and abilities, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, disability, religion or membership of the traveller community.
We all have a responsibility to ensure that this policy is lived: every day, the way we choose to think and act makes a difference.
Bullying and Harassment
Harassment is a form of discrimination. Harassment is particular behaviour by one person, which another person finds unacceptable or unwelcome and we view it as a very serious issue. It can affect the confidence, morale, performance and even the health of the person being harassed. The following are the legal definitions of bullying and harassment.
“Workplace bullying is repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment, which could reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual’s right to dignity at work. An isolated incident of the behaviour described in this definition may be an affront to dignity at work but as a once off incident is not considered to be bullying”.
Harassment is any form of conduct or behaviour(s) which are unwanted, unwelcome, and are intimidating, offensive, hostile or degrading to the recipient on any one of the following grounds:
– Gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, race, or membership of the traveller community.
Examples of bullying and or harassment include;
Victimisation, name calling, abusive language, mockery or jokes. This can be bullying or intimidation of a general nature, or can be specifically targeted at someone because of, for example, their gender or ethnic origin.
– Unfair allocation of work or responsibilities.
– Unwelcome sexual attention, such as suggestive or over-familiar behaviour.
– Implying that a person’s career may be affected by granting, or not granting sexual favours.
– Intrusive or persistent questioning about a person’s racial origin, culture or religion.
– The display or circulation of sexually suggestive or racially offensive material
– Shoving, jostling
– Interfering with personal property or work station
– Constant private or public humiliation, deliberate exclusion/ostracism
– Repeated use of offensive language directed at an individual or individuals
– Personal insults, such as name-calling, sneering, continued and deliberate staring, repeated put- downs, offensive jokes, and racial remarks.
– Repeated verbal abuse
– Undermining a person’s role, dignity or respect
– Spreading malicious rumours
– Derogatory graffiti
– Threatening behaviour
The legal definition of sexual harassment is;
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is defined as any act of physical intimacy, request for sexual favours, and/or acts or conduct including spoken words, gestures or the production, display or circulation of written words, pictures or other material that is unwelcome, humiliating or intimidating to the recipient.
Examples of behaviour that would be considered sexual harassment includes;
•Unnecessary touching, pinching or brushing against another’s body
•Sexual Assault
•Unwelcome sexual advances
•Continued suggestions for social activity outside work that are unwanted or declined
•Suggestions that consent to sexual favours might advance one’s career or that lack of consent might hinder career opportunities
•Sexually suggestive jokes and/or comments
•Lewd remarks or innuendoes
•Unwelcome objectionable comments about a person or about dress code
Procedure for Dealing with Harassment at Work
The Management at ABC Ltd is opposed to all forms of harassment and bullying at work. It is policy of the Company to take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual or any other form of harassment at work.
Investigations into bullying/harassment/sexual harassment will take due account of the impact of the behaviours on the recipient. Behaviours that constitute bullying/harassment may be physical, non-physical or verbal. In non-physical forms of bullying, the determining factor is the repeated and persistent nature of the unwanted and offensive behaviour against an individual or group.
It is important when making a complaint that employees distinguish bullying/harassment from (a) the normal management function of managing performance and behaviour (including supervision of work and performance related discussions) and (b) normal acceptable interaction in the workplace.
• It is the company’s intention to deal with bullying or any other form of harassment as misconduct under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure. Depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, appropriate disciplinary action up to and including suspension without pay or dismissal will be considered.
• Any employee suffering sexual harassment, bullying or any other form of harassment is required to report the matter to her/his immediate Supervisor or a member of the management team.
• Management will deal seriously and confidentially with any allegations of sexual harassment or bullying in the workplace.
• If investigations of an allegation of harassment reveal a deliberate untruth or that the complaint was malicious, this may be deemed as misconduct by the Complainant and may be dealt with under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure.
Information and Communications Technology Policy
This policy outlines the procedures that all employees of ABC Ltd must follow when using e-mail, accessing the internet, using other channels of internal and or external communication and in the use of all computers and other technologies and systems employed within the Company. The policy explains what you are allowed to do and where legal problems may arise for ABC Ltd and or yourself in a number of key areas. These areas are:
•Internal ICT systems
•Electronic mail
•Confidential information
Failure to comply with the rules set out in this policy may:
(a) result in legal claims against ABC Ltd or yourself, and or
(b) lead to disciplinary action being taken against you, which in certain circumstances may lead to summary dismissal since breaches of the policy may be viewed as gross misconduct.
It is important that you familiarise yourself with this policy. Should you have any queries please refer them to your immediate Manager or Supervisor.
You are also reminded that this policy will also apply to other means of communications within ABC Ltd and the outside world and includes such matters as use of telephone, fax or letter correspondence, verbal, written and electronically transferred data.
Internal Information Communication and Technology Systems
Technologies owned by and or employed by ABC Ltd including all computer systems-hardware and software, servers, databases, websites and other information and systems are for the sole use of conducting the business of the ABC Ltd in accordance with statutory regulations and the conduct of properly authorised ABC Ltd Activity.
You may only access or use the internal information communication and technology systems by the use of your own personal passwords and or codes and in conjunction with systems codes and passwords, if applicable. You must keep all personal passwords and codes private and secure and change them on a regular basis of at least 3-monthly intervals.
You are authorised to use any or all such systems employed within ABC Ltd for the proper discharge of your duties. It is forbidden to change, alter or in any other manner interfere in the operation of computer programmes or to use any systems in a manner, which could cause loss or interference to the Company. In cases where any staff member becomes aware of or suspects such occurrences, irrespective of whom may be involved and whether the incident(s) are likely to be accidental or deliberate, they are expressly required to make the matter known without delay to their immediate Supervisor or a member of the management team. Any violation of the correct use and application of these systems will be deemed to be a disciplinary manner which in certain circumstances may lead to summary dismissal since breaches of the policy may be viewed as gross misconduct.
Electronic Mail
The Company’s e-mail system is for business use. Occasional and reasonable personal use is permitted provided that this does not interfere with the performance of your duties or contravenes ABC Ltd policy (e.g. defamation, harassment, security and confidentiality). ABC Ltd reserves the right to access all e-mails at any time and without notice.
Before sending any e-mail which is personal and not for business purposes you must start or sign off the e-mail with a message as follows;
‘This e-mail is personal and is not authorised by or sent on behalf of my employer. It is the personal responsibility of __________________.’
E-mails sent and or received for business reasons shall be through your Supervisor or a member of the management team.
Harassment and Internet/E-Mail
Please refer to our policy on preventing and dealing with harassment at work. In addition, the following points are important with regard to harassment and the use of internet/e-mail.
Harassment can occur through electronic media and remember it is any unwelcome statement or action, which the recipient finds offensive. In the context of this policy sexual harassment can include sending messages with suggestive material, offensive sexual propositions or abuse of a sexual nature. Racial harassment is unwanted conduct based on race affecting the dignity of the individual. In the context of this policy this includes sending messages containing offensive insults or ‘jokes’ based on race and abuse of a racial nature.
Employees must not send abusive messages or messages which contain sexual or racist material. An employee suspected of having committed acts of harassment will be dealt with under the Company’s Disciplinary procedures, which may lead to their dismissal. The matter may also be referred to the Gardai and criminal proceedings may be taken against an employee.
Any employee who is subjected to, or has knowledge of harassment (whether emanating from inside or outside the company) is encouraged to immediately report that matter to Management. Please refer to the Harassment at Work Procedure in regard to reporting such matters.
Defamation is the publication of a statement, which adversely affects a person or the reputation of the Company. Employees must not send or circulate internally or externally any information which is defamatory. In particular, you must not send or circulate internally or externally any information, which contains negative comments about an individual or ABC Ltd without first checking that the content of the information is accurate. If in doubt, you must check with your manager.
A person or ABC Ltd defamed may sue an employee and the Company. Failure to follow the guidelines as set down in this policy may lead to disciplinary action being taken against the employee involved
An employee must not access the World Wide Web for purposes other than those for which you are employed. No employee may deliberately visit, view or download any material from any web site containing sexual or illegal material or material, which is offensive and may in any way contravene the ABC Ltd Harassment policy
No employee of ABC Ltd may subscribe to any bulletin boards, newsgroups or any other internet service of any kind without prior written permission from your supervisor or a member of the management team. Also no employee may download software onto the Company system without prior written permission from their supervisor or a member of the management team.
ABC Ltd reserve the right to monitor and log all internet access and to use the information accessed where necessary. Each employee must keep all passwords secure at all times.
Social Media Policy
This policy on social media applies to all employees. Social media is the collective term referring to social and professional networking sites (for example Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace), microblogs (such as Twitter), blogs, wikis, boards and other similar online fora and the policy extends to all such sites and incorporates any future developments of such media. Breaches of this policy will be investigated and ABC Ltd retains the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
You are prohibited from participating in social networking websites during working time or using ABC Ltd equipment to access such sites at any time.
Should you use social networking outside of work time, the rules below apply.
Personal use must not interfere with your work commitments.
ABC Ltd recognises that employees use social media tools as part of their daily lives. Employees should always be mindful of what they are posting, who can see it, and how it can be linked back to ABC Ltd and work colleagues.
All employees should be aware that ABC Ltd regularly monitors the internet and social media in reference to its work and to keep abreast of general internet commentary. ABC Ltd does not specifically monitor social media sites for employee content on an ongoing basis, however employees should not expect privacy in this regard. ABC Ltd reserves the right to utilise for disciplinary purposes any information that could have a negative effect on ABC Ltd or its employees, which management comes across in regular internet monitoring, or is brought to ABC Ltd attention by employees, members, the general public, etc.
All employees are prohibited from using or publishing information on any social media sites, where such use has the potential to negatively affect ABC Ltd or its staff. Examples of such behaviour include, but are not limited to:
• publishing material that is defamatory, abusive or offensive in relation to any employee, manager, office holder, member or client of ABC Ltd;
• publishing any confidential or business-sensitive information about ABC Ltd;
• publishing material that might reasonably be expected to have the effect of damaging the reputation or professional standing of ABC Ltd.
All employees must adhere to the following guidelines when engaging in social media.
Be aware of your association with ABC Ltd when using online social networks. You are personally responsible for what you post or publish on social media sites. Where it is found that any information breaches any policy, such as breaching confidentiality or bringing ABC Ltd into disrepute, you may face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Be aware of data protection rules. Be respectful at all times, in both the content and tone of what you say. Show respect to your audience, your colleagues and members and suppliers and the general public. Do not post or publish any comments or content relating to ABC Ltd or its employees, which would be seen as unacceptable in the workplace or in conflict with ABC Ltd. Make sure it is clear that the views and opinions you express are your own.
It is very important that employees immediately report any inappropriate activity or behaviour regarding ABC Ltd, its employees or third parties. Inform your supervisor or another member of management. Non-compliance with the general principles and conditions of this social media policy and the related internet, e-mail and confidentiality policies may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
This policy is not exhaustive. In situations that are not expressly governed by this policy, you must ensure that your use of social media and the internet is at all times appropriate and consistent with your responsibilities towards ABC Ltd. In case of any doubt, you should consult with your manager
There is no legitimate business use for accessing or transmitting sexually explicit material at work. Employees must not access or transmit any material with a sexual content.
Accessing and transmitting sexual material may be a criminal offence for which both employees and the Company could be liable. The display on screen of sexual material or the transmitting of such material to other people may constitute sexual harassment, which has potential consequences for an employee as outlined in this policy.
Failure to follow these rules regarding the use of the Internet or e-mail may lead to disciplinary action against an employee, which includes possible summary dismissal for gross misconduct.
Health and Safety
The main legislation providing for the health and safety of people in the workplace are the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010. The Acts set out the rights and obligations of both employers and employees and provides for substantial fines and penalties for breaches of the health and safety legislation. Almost all of the specific health and safety laws which apply generally to all employments are contained in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007. Copies of these Acts and regulations shall be retained in the Manager’s office and are available for examination by any employee who wishes to study their obligations under health and safety regulations.
Employer’s duties
As your employer we have a duty to ensure employees’ safety, health and welfare at work as far as is reasonably practicable. In order to prevent workplace injuries and ill health we shall endeavor to achieve the following:
• Provide and maintain a safe workplace which uses safe plant and equipment
• Prevent risks from use of any article or substance and from exposure to physical agents, noise and vibration
• Prevent any improper conduct or behaviour likely to put the safety, health and welfare of employees at risk
• Provide instruction and training to employees on health and safety
• Provide protective clothing and equipment to employees
• Appointing a competent person as the organisation’s Safety Officer
Employees’ duties
As your employer we require you to conform with the duties of employees while at work, which are set out in Section 13 of the Act. These include the following:
• To take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and of other people in the workplace
• Not to engage in improper behaviour that will endanger themselves or others
• Not to be under the influence of drink or drugs in the workplace
• To undergo any reasonable medical or other assessment if requested to do so by the employer
• To report any defects in the place of work or equipment which might be a danger to health and safety
Accordingly, the health and safety of all involved in our business is of the highest priority. We have a duty to ensure, as far as it reasonably practical, the health and safety of all employees and visitors to our premises. In essence, nothing we do is worth getting injured for.
You should be aware of the Company’s policy for health and safety, which is posted on a notice board where you work. In addition, safety manuals are in place, which describe the local arrangements necessary to meet regulatory and internal requirements.
All employees have a legal duty to adhere to all local safety rules and training, and not do anything that could affect their own or someone else’s health or safety. Managers and staff jointly have responsibility for health and safety.
If you are in a management or supervisory function you have special duties under health and safety law. These duties will be explained to you separately.
There is some risk, normally low, in any work activity and we all must behave and perform our jobs safely to minimize that risk. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action being taken against you, including dismissal for gross misconduct. Please do follow any guidance given to you. Here are some basic messages:
Looking After Yourself
• Follow any guidance on appearance and work wear
• Do not reach too far for goods – use a stepladder if necessary.
• Seek assistance, if necessary before lifting heavy loads.
• Use all equipment correctly.
• Each individual business area within ABC Ltd
• will have safe procedures outlined for using substances, equipment etc which you will need to follow.
• If personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves etc) has been provided, it must be used in accordance with the instruction and training you will be given.
• Do not put yourself in a situation where your health or safety is at risk.
• If you are unfortunate enough to suffer an accident at work, however minor, this should be reported to your line manager and entered in the accident book.
Looking After Colleagues and Visitors to Our Premises and the Company
• Always report any safety hazards immediately, for example faults on electrical machinery such as the lift, failed light bulbs etc.
• Do not create safety hazards for example obstructing aisles and corridors, or letting rubbish build up.
• Clear any breakage immediately following correct procedures as outlined in your health and safety manual.
• Deal promptly with wet floors and spillage.
• Follow manufactures guidelines with all chemicals and sprays.
• Follow the safety guidelines in the use of any machine or implement belonging to the Company
• You must comply with health, hygiene and safety regulations. This includes undertaking duties which ensure that the premises, equipment and activities are safe and in order.
• You must wear safety gear and failure to comply may result in suspension
• You must participate in all procedures and training relevant to safety, health and to your position as may be decided by management from time to time
• You must immediately report any and every aspect of concern or breakages/repairs needed to equipment or where you are located for work to your Manager
Safety Wear and Use of Equipment
You are obliged to wear all protective safety gear when undertaking your duties. You are obliged to follow all safety instructions when doing your work. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Reporting accidents
All accidents in the workplace should be reported to your Manager, who should record the details of the incident. Reporting the accident will help to safeguard social welfare and other rights which may arise as a result of an occupational accident, as well as assisting in the prevention or re-occurrence of accidents.
Important Notice
Contravention of policies and procedures could lead to disciplinary action being taken against you, which could even include dismissal. In extreme cases for example breaches of health and safety laws, you could also be personally prosecuted.
Code Of Conduct For Employees
It is the responsibility of every individual to operate within the principles of this Code that applies to the Company.
All employees must behave honestly, ethically and lawfully in the course of their business dealings.
Fraudulent and dishonest acts will not be tolerated.
Employees must never give or receive bribes or other improper inducements, or condone such acts performed by others.
Employees have duty to report any evidence of dishonesty or improper activities that they encounter.
Conflicts of Interest
Employees should not have outside interests, which conflict with the interests of the Company. Employees should act solely for the benefit of the Company and should not be influenced by the personal or business interests of themselves or members of their family. In particular, employees should avoid conflicts that arise from the involvement of themselves or family members in businesses, which have dealings with or compete against the activities of the Company. In normal circumstances, ownership of stocks, shares and securities in a public or limited Company is permissible. Any potential conflict of interest should be reported to management.
Conflict of Interest (2)
As an employee you should not misuse your official position or information acquired in the course of your official duties to further your private interests or those of others. As an employee of ABC Ltd you should declare any conflict of interest to your direct line manager and have yourself removed from the project / action involved.
Staff undertaking other outside employment are expected to ensure that the other employment will not impair the efficiency of their employment with ABC Ltd and will not conflict with the interests of the race company. In addition, you are required to give written notification to your Manager of any outside or additional work and confirm that your total employment is within the regulations on maximum working time of not more than an average 48-hour week.
Security Rules for Employees
∙As a member of the Company’s staff, you have special responsibilities that include being entrusted with money and merchandise, because everyone shares these responsibilities, we have a set of rules to make sure that you can carry out your work confidently, while we can ensure that you and everyone who works with you is safeguarded.
∙The Company requires ALL staff to follow these rules. Any breach of them renders staff liable to disciplinary action, which could include summary dismissal. The Company agrees to carry out an investigation into any breaches of these rules.
∙If you have any questions about these rules or do not understand what they mean, your supervisor or a member of the management team will be pleased to explain them.
Company Property
∙If Company property is found on any individual or vehicle and the investigation officer is not satisfied with the explanation, the matter may be handed to the Gardai for further investigation.
∙Employees will be dismissed for stealing from the Company.
Company Money
∙Company money may not be borrowed under any circumstances.
∙An advance of pay or expenses must be made strictly in accordance with established conditions and procedures.
Data Protection
∙You have access to computer systems and confidential information. It is your responsibility to correctly manage that data and not release any inappropriate information to others either within ABC Ltd or externally, including ensuring it is backed up and retained in a safe manner in line with IT system requirements
∙You must not corrupt data or programs e.g. stock file and space changes.
∙You must not misuse or damage equipment.
∙You must not inappropriately disclose confidential information e.g. sales plans, customer information and staff information to others.
Theft And Fraud
In the course of investigating a suspicion of theft or fraud the Company may wish to use CCTV. All incidents of theft and fraud will be passed to the Gardai with the possibility of criminal prosecution.
Reporting Your Concerns
It is possible that in the course of your work you have reason to believe that a fraud, criminal act or malpractice is taking place. You should report your concerns to your supervisor or a member of the management team so that they can be investigated.
Notice of Termination of Employment
After completion of the probationary period, termination of employment shall be as per
the Minimum Notice and Terms of the Employment Acts, 1973 – 1991, except where
dismissal is without notice or the disciplinary procedure applies. Fixed term contracts will expire on the expiry date without any further notice, unless otherwise renewed in writing by the Company.
Retirement Policy
The Company’s Normal Retirement age is 65, and your employment will normally terminate on the day before your 65th birthday.
ABC Ltd have set this retirement age so as to accommodate succession planning, promotion and to promote inter-generational fairness within its employment
Redundancy and Temporary Layoff
It is the Company’s intention to strive to provide continuity and security of employment.
However, there may be circumstances outside the Company’s control (e.g. economic
conditions, fuel shortages, fire, storms, floods, adverse market conditions, recession,
shortage of materials, industrial action in another company, and other reasons) which
necessitate short work weeks or layoffs. In order to delay and if possible avoid such
circumstances Employees must be prepared to accept reasonable alternative work within
the Company, whenever available.
The Company reserves the right to temporarily lay off Employees without pay until the
circumstances change to the extent that normal operations may be resumed. If redundancy
becomes unavoidable the Company may need to retain certain Employees who, because of
training or ability, are especially valuable to the Company. Arrangements for layoffs or redundancy will take into account the maintenance of the most efficient and economic running of the Company. The Company reserves the absolute right to decide on which Employees shall be retained in the event of redundancy, subject to any decisions and selection being in accordance with the redundancy acts.
Where redundancies are likely to occur, Employees will be notified in advance so that consultation can take place.
Operation of Handbook
This handbook comes into force at the date of signing below by the employee and the Manager of the Company. Employees and the Company are required to abide by this handbook and any existing Terms and Conditions of Employment, which are in writing or are applied through custom and practice at the Company. The Handbook shall remain in force, and cater for amendments agreed in writing by both the employee and management until the termination of the contract of employment between ABC Ltd and the employee. Additions and amendments may be considered by management to this handbook from time to time. Where this arises any such additions and or amendments will be discussed with employees and each member of staff will subsequently be issued with a revised document. New employees will receive this handbook as well as their contract of employment at the time of joining the Company.
Signed: ________________________________
(Manager – ABC Ltd Company)
Signed: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________