A: Castlelost West, Rochfortbridge, Co. Westmeath, Ireland, N91 P286
E: michael@arrahrd.ie | T: +353 (0) 44 92 24528

Performance Appraisal Form

Name of Employee:
Name of Manager:
Date of Appraisal:
Follow up date:

1. Performance ​​​​​​​

Employee strengths

Employees weaknesses

Overall standard of performance
(below, average or above the standard expected)

(Point out unacceptable behaviour and reinforce/reward behaviour the company wants to encourage)

(take on more/less, delegate, find out about aspirations)

2. Team work​​​​​​​
(Does he/she contribute to the team, How do they find working with the team? Any problems or areas for improvement)

3. Tools/Equipment
(Check resources, does employee have the tools and equipment needed to their job properly?)

4. Communication ​​​​​​
(Discuss employees own communication skills and how company/Management relays information, note any suggestions)​​​​​​​

5. Training and Development
(Long term career plans, what skills would employee like to learn and improve on, what training and development can the company provide)

6. Goals​​​​​​
(agreement on goals for the following 6-12 months)

7. Manager feedback

Manager’s signature:

Employee’s signature:


(When completed and copied please return original to H.R. for employee’s file.)

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