Performance Appraisal Form
Name of Employee:
Name of Manager:
Date of Appraisal:
Follow up date:
1. Performance
Employee strengths
Employees weaknesses
Overall standard of performance
(below, average or above the standard expected)
(Point out unacceptable behaviour and reinforce/reward behaviour the company wants to encourage)
(take on more/less, delegate, find out about aspirations)
2. Team work
(Does he/she contribute to the team, How do they find working with the team? Any problems or areas for improvement)
3. Tools/Equipment
(Check resources, does employee have the tools and equipment needed to their job properly?)
4. Communication
(Discuss employees own communication skills and how company/Management relays information, note any suggestions)
5. Training and Development
(Long term career plans, what skills would employee like to learn and improve on, what training and development can the company provide)
6. Goals
(agreement on goals for the following 6-12 months)
7. Manager feedback
Manager’s signature:
Employee’s signature:
(When completed and copied please return original to H.R. for employee’s file.)